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Dalseo District Council

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Welcome to Dalseo District Council

홈 > Function of Council > Council Rights

Council Rights

Resolution rights

  • The right to resolve the deliberation of city council or local group
  • The right to deliberate and resolve important matters regarding renewing and closing ordinances, deliberating and deciding the budget and laws and regulations belonging to the right of local council

Administration supervision rights

[The right to watch closely and control administration of local government]

  • Inspection of administrative affairs : The District Council inspects the executive body on administrative affairs over a period of less than 7 days during the regular session of each year
  • Investigation of administrative affairs : Through a decision of the plenary session by proposing under the joint signature of more than 1/3 of the registered members from the Council, it requests corrections or takes measures to meet the situation

Accepting and handing petition

  • Once the pubic submits by an instruction of members of local council, the council accepts and handles it.

Petitions are written forms

  • To help the executive body inspect cases and work, the council can ask the group leader to submit documents related directly to the inspection of cases.

Examination of Petitions Referred to the Jurisdiction of the Standing Committees

  • The plenary session or steering committee can examine a petition through questions and answers while the petitioner and the District government officials concerned are present.

The right to represent opinions

  • For the public benefits, the Council can present opinions concerning an executive body, centural government, other local groups and public and private organizations.

Independent Authority

  • When it comes to the organization and operation of the local council, the council itself can establish rules of sessions, decide open and close the sessions, maintain the order, punish councilors or find eligible councilors and organize its own committee without outside interference from government and other organization.